We believe every parent has the right to decide how their child is educated.

That’s why we have created a Samaritan Fund to provide scholarships for local families who feel burdened by the price of tuition, but want a Biblical education for their child. If you are interested in partnerning with SCA in the education of your child, but aren’t sure if you can afford its, please contact us to schedule a tour today and be sure to discuss our individualized scholarship programs.

Want to sponsor a child’s education?

Part of being a village is that we can share in costs, and reap the rewards of a greater harvest. If you want to help a child get a Biblical education, you can make a donation of any amount to our Samaritan Fund. Our Samaritan Fund goes directly towards scholarships for local families who need it. Contact us today and let us know if you would like to sponsor a child this year or make a donation of any amount to our scholarship program.